Thank you for pre-registering!
Pre-registering is a big help.
1) It helps us know how many examinees to plan for.
2) It helps us begin completing some of the paperwork.
3) It helps us verify your FRN number.
You will be providing us with the same information you enter and provide to the FCC.
This information is not shared, in any way, with an outside party beyond that required to
process your application and obtain your call sign with the FCC. If you would like, we
do have a written privacy policy. Simply click the
Privacy link above.
Step 1: Do you have your FRN number?
If you do not, please click
FCC webpage link and get an FCC FRN number.
If you are upgrading, your FRN is listed on your current license.
The FCC comunicates through an FCC Registration Number (FRN). Having
your assigned FRN, when you arrive for testing, will be a big help.
Please register with the FCC,
print and bring your FRN with you.
Next, complete and print your Form 605, follow this link
Form 605,
print and bring your 605 with you.
Have your FRN number? Complete and printed 605? Great!
Click here to proceed to Step 2.