Amateur Radio Examinations
Charleston, SC and Surrounding Area..
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  Last Update: June 26, 2020
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Online Examination Practice Exam Practice...

Important Note! Online exam sites, such as Eham and QRZ, present exam questions in an orderly manner. Generally, you have to get through 10 or more exams before you have been presented with all of the questions in the current question pool. After these initial tests, the questions will then be presented in a more random manner. In other words, if you practice and are scoring very well on the first 5 online exams with QRZ, you have not yet seen all of the questions in the question pool. You have to work through all of the exams to see all of the questions.

Online Examination with Eham Exam Practice...
Online Examination with QRZ Exam Practice...

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W4VEC Volunteer Examiner Coordinator

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